returns & exchanges

We offer the opportunity to return our products ordered from . You may get a full refund or exchange your item for a different size or colour. The item must be in its original packaging, with its labelling and be in perfect condition (not worn, not washed, and not dry cleaned). You have 30 days from the day of receipt to return any unused items. You may choose a different product of the same value or less in exchange. 

Personalised products made by MARCH are customised just for your company. This means that such products are not returnable unless there is any manufacturing error.


Products purchased via MARCH webshop are covered by a 2-year warranty. If you have received a faulty item, we will offer a replacement of the item or offer you a refund of your purchase.
If you make a claim of your purchase within the 2-year warranty period and we accept the claim, we will offer you a replacement with free shipping. We will refund your shipping costs for returning the faulty item.
If you have received the wrong product or size, we will pay for the return of the product and send you the correct product.
If the item is out of stock, we will refund the price of the item.
MARCH items purchased from one of our stockists’ are also covered by a 2-year warranty. Proof of purchase is required for claims.
How to proceed with a returned item:
- Write us an email to regarding the return and wait for our confirmation email. Please send the item only after confirmation is received.
- Pack your order in the same box as the parcel arrived or any other sturdy box.
- Choose a courier and send the parcel to MARCH design studio to this address: MARCH studio at Žalgirio str. 108, Vilnius, Lithuania. Please note that return costs are on the clients’ side.
- For National returns, you may use LP EXPRESS or OMNIVA terminals.
If a parcel is lost when returning the product it is full of clients’ responsibility.
Please note, if a MARCH product is acquired at our partner’s shop, the item must be returned directly to the same shop.
The refund will be processed after receiving and inspecting the returned item. Once the refund is done we would update you with a confirmation email.
Please expect a refund within 14 days from when we process your return.
Please expect a replacement product between 2-5 working days from when we process your return.